
Elizabeth Widya

The digital era necessitates a theological introspection that could herald the advent of a novel theological paradigm recognized as cybertheology. This paper delves into the perturbation of digital spiritual catechesis within the Church's Z generation, scrutinizing the digitization of theology in relation to spiritual instruction. Advancements in discussions on spiritual catechesis are impeded when our focus remains entrenched in traditional delineations of spirituality, spiritual methodologies, and the spiritual personal espoused within the apostolic directives of reformation churches in Indonesia. These apostolic calls are conditioned by the pre-digital world. A profound discourse on spiritual catechesis needs to depart from the disruption caused by the Z generation. The term "disruption" itself, according to liberation theologian G. Gutierrez, refers to their transform from being marginalized to becoming historical subjects. Disruption is also an ecclesial process and disrupts the stage of Indonesian Church history as homo religious digital.

The Z generation, as digital integrators, are open to incorporating spirituality into their lives. Their beings embody a connective pedagogy that is distinct from pre-digital believers. Their disruption shakes the spiritualist identity and their call to teach faith lessons to the disciples of Christ in the present era. The disruption of digital believers encourages the exploration of new cybertheology methods for spiritual catechesis in the contemporary Indonesian context.

The issue lies in what constitutes the vitality and effectiveness of cybertheology? This paper combines literature and field research. Literature research involves critically appreciative readings of several key Church guidance literature on cultural evangelization and the exploration of citizen journalism on cybertheology. Field research involves listening to the narratives of digital religious Z beings themselves on the topics of evangelization and spirituality. The combination of these two types of research is expected to assist in articulating a new understanding of spiritual evangelization catechesis in the era of cybertheology


Michael Toy


Axel Siegmund